October 12, 2023

SPG Steiner with its subsidiary Prematechnik have been awarded the contract for the supply of a Flare system (High Pressure Flare /Low Pressure Flare) for Basra Energy Company Limited

SPG Steiner have been awarded for supplying of Flare system (HP/LP) for Basra Energy Company Limited (BECL). This project funded by World Bank for reduction of flaring of associated gases, which not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also maximizes the efficient use of valuable energy resources.


The Flare System would be installed in Rumaila Oil Field in Rumaila, Iraq.
Rumaila Oil Field is one of the largest and most important oil fields in Iraq, making it a crucial location for such a project. The installation of the Flare System in this field will have a positive impact on the local community, the environment, and the energy industry as a whole.



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